Month: October 2016




S-step away

T-tell a adult

O-okay sites first

P-pause and think online

By October 27, 2016.  No Comments on Stop  Uncategorized   

The Haunted Pumpkin Patch

One Halloween evening before sunset a group of three boys were standing outside the gates of a pumpkin patch.This wasn’t just an ordinary pumpkin patch.Two of the boys,for years,had heard rumors that it was once a cemetery and at sunset the pumpkins came to life and tried to kidnap and torture people who walked around in it.The two boys had always been to scared to see if it the rumors were true, so they dared the new kid in town,Charlie, to go into the pumpkin patch.They told Charlie if he was brave and not a chicken, then he would go into the pumpkin patch and bring back the biggest pumpkin he could find.Charlie didn’t want his friends to think he was a scaredy cat,so he went in the gate to the pumpkin patch.Secretly,he was scared, so he just grabbed the first big pumpkin he saw.Just then, the vines on the pumpkin started to move and grow out like arms and legs.A face appeared with glowing evil red eyes and sharp fang teeth.Charlie dropped the pumpkin and ran back toward his friends,but tripped over a few vines from all of the other pumpkins that came to life.Charlie was captured by the vines and was unable to move.The friends were calling for help, but the only person that could seem to hear them was a witch.She flew in while casting a spell.All of a sudden,Charlie was free and gasped.Then he felt a pat on the back and heard his friends saying,”Chicken chicken Charlie chicken.” Just then, Charlie realized daydreaming and hadn’t even entered the pumpkin patch yet.Charlie agreed he was a chicken cause’ he is not going in that place!






Image result for pictures of the mayflower


M-ost of the passengers were children.

A-tlantic ocean.

Y-uck, I know, there were no  bathrooms, clean clothes, and they ate molded food.

F-ood they ate is salted meat and fish,dry ships biscuits,dried peas and beans,dried fruits, ect..

L-ong days.





By October 12, 2016.  No Comments on Mayflower  Uncategorized   

Jamestown or Plymouth

I chose Jamestown because I think it is a  bit more interesting then Plymouth.

Also because it is near the Atlantic Ocean, its cool to think about but could also be kinda scary.

There’s farmers and so the soup that they make has corn and carrots in it and most people like that kind of soup.

It’s kind of crazy to think that they could get rich off of tobacco, but if someone was struggling with money all they had to do  is find tobacco weeds which that’s probably very hard.

If you are going to Jamestown you need to be aware that there is not a Brookshires or Walmart that already has food cooked or pealed, you also probably have to make your own clothes.